My grandfather Bixler or as we called him, “Pop” was a unique man. Once you met him, you never forgot him. He was a cowboy and a business man. You could also call him a horse trader and quail hunter, but most notably he was one of the best auctioneers around. As any ‘ol cowboy type– he had his ways of doing things and those ways were not easily shaken. Pop’s ranch is sandhill, sagebrush country. So you don’t just drive anywhere you want. . . it’s pretty important to stay on the pasture roads to prevent getting stuck in the sand and destroying the soil cover. In this country, a horse comes in handy and so does a 4 wheel drive pickup. But Pop, he did not need 4-wheel drive. He knew the ranch by heart, and he knew exactly when to take it easy and when to give ‘er heck.
I remember riding through the pasture one time. Pop was driving. Dad was in the passenger seat and mom and I were in the back seat of his extended cab Ford. Riding in an extended cab is never enjoyable. However, on this particular ride, I was extremely grateful for the lack of extra space in the back seat. I was also thankful for the oh **** handle. Ya’ll! This was a WILD ride! I was just hanging on for dear life, looking at my mom next to me with wide eyes and trying to control our laughter. You could bet if you relaxed, Pop would give ‘er heck to get up that next sand hill and your head might smack the back window.
2020 might be described as a wild ride by many. I cannot say that I disagree. We are all living in unchartered territory. About the time we get comfortable, it’s like someone is giving ‘er heck to get up the next sandhill! For me, it is the constant questioning of every single decision I make that gets me. It is exhausting to say the least!
I’m an optimist by nature, but there have been times this year that I have struggled to be optimistic. I have to remind myself that happiness is a mood and that joy is fruit. (A Fruit of the Spirit, that is - more on that in Galatians 5:22-23).
Here’s your reminder that 2020 has not been all bad news. There have been several bright spots scattered throughout the year. There have been births, baptisms, marriages, milestones, birthdays, extra family time, and many other things large and small to celebrate with joy each and every day! Did you know that being joyful is good for us? Psalms 17: 22 says, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
We got a little creative with a fun anniversary surprise. The feed truck is the first stop after breakfast, right?
My family is filled with joy to celebrate a huge milestone as we get ready to close out 2020. December 23, 2020 marked 50 years of marriage for my parents. 50 YEARS! In my opinion, that deserves a celebration! Not only is 50 years of marriage something that is admirable, but what a blessing they have had to live with, work with and watch their family grow as best friends for all that time!
Now – I may be an optimist, but I’m also known for my frankness. I want you all to know that I am fully aware that marriage has its own sandhills to climb (or get stuck in), and occasionally you might find yourself using the shovel to dig yourself out of. I mean all of that figuratively (well, and literally too). As we celebrate Mom and Dad’s Golden Anniversary, it is no doubt that their commitment to each other and their love for each other through the thick and thin is what powered their 50-year ride. I’m taking note of that! They haven’t just managed to live with each other and raise a family for 50 years, but they’ve worked side by side for that time as a team doing what they love every single day.
From starting cattle and farming in the early years then transitioning to a registered cow/calf operation while farming the entire time, there has been a love there all along – for each other and for the work they are doing together.
In 2009, when my husband and I were married, we received a wall hanging as a gift from a dear family friend that said, “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”
While we are only 11 years and 357 days in, I have noticed that every season of life is different and requires us to adapt, overcome and grow. Those are the times in my marriage that I’ve found myself falling in love again --- always with the same person.
Those of us in the cattle business have hit rough patches and it’s in those rough patches that we adapt, overcome, grow and learn. The wild ride of 2020 has reminded me of the love I have for agriculture, specifically the beef industry. There is no better way to fall in love with our business than the sight of a newborn calf, seeing my children help with various jobs around the ranch or seeing a freshly planted wheat field turn green. The renewal of cattle and crops and establishing the next generation in agriculture is close to my heart. Agriculture is not just a business for my family, it is our livelihood and deeply engrained to who we are, all thanks to two people that I am blessed to call Mom and Dad and those generations before them that started it all!
As it turns out, ranching and marriage have a lot in common. Both require unwavering commitment and and unending love. Maybe that’s why Max and Deb have made it half a century and counting!
In preparing for the (plan B) anniversary celebration, my sisters and I gathered so many heartfelt anniversary wishes to Mom and Dad. Their friends span from high school classmates to folks that have they have met in the cattle business scattered across the country! Thank you to everyone that reached out with a video, card, text or call on their special day. They have truly enjoyed it. It brings Dana, Amy and I great joy that folks took time to honor them for making it this far on their wild ride!
Max and Deb (Dad and Mom) pictured in one of their favorite and most meaningful spots on the ranch. Just below Dad’s hand is a fresh water spring that has been bubbling for generations.
This one is just for fun! Dad caught this bass fish last summer and declared it was the biggest one he’d ever caught. Here’s living proof that biggest isn’t always best! Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!